Peer Ratings

There are two components to each Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating:

Peer Rating

1. Legal Ability Ratings
Legal Ability Ratings take into consideration the standard of professional ability in the area where the lawyer practices, the lawyer's expertise, and other professional qualifications. If a lawyer's practice is limited or specialized, Peer Review Ratings are based on performance in those specific fields of law.

Legal Ability Ratings are:
C - Good to High
B - High to Very High
A - Very High to Preeminent

2. General Ethical Standards Rating
The General Ethical Standards Rating denotes adherence to professional standards of conduct and ethics, reliability, diligence and other criteria relevant to the discharge of professional responsibilities.

The General Recommendation Rating is: V - Very High

A lawyer will not receive a Legal Ability Rating unless he or she has been endorsed for a "V." When both categories of Peer Review Ratings are confirmed, a lawyer receives an CV, BV or AV Rating.

- indicates the rating was established in an admitting jurisdiction other than where the attorney is currently listed.

Peer Review Ratings reflect career development
A lawyer's Peer Review Rating will generally improve over time. But Peer Review Ratings can be revised downward, or even removed if a decline is noted in ability or ethical standards.

CV Peer Review Rating -- an excellent first Rating and a statement of a lawyer's above average ability and very high ethics.

BV Peer Review Rating -- an indication of an exemplary reputation and well-established practice. A typical lawyer is in mid-career, with a significant client base and high professional standing.

AV Peer Review Rating -- shows that a lawyer has reached the height of professional excellence. He or she has usually practiced law for many years, and is recognized for the highest levels of skill and integrity.

Questions about the Peer Review Ratings system can be sent by email to

or by mail to:

Peer Review Rating Services
LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell
121 Chanlon Road
New Providence, NJ 07974

Brett Wagner was selected as a “Top Notch Lawyer” in legal malpractice as reported by The Texas Lawyer Go-To Guide, October 8, 2007

Texas Lawyer Go-To Guide, October 8, 2007

Super Lawyer

Brett Wagner was named as a Super Lawyer in 2008 and 2009 as published by Law & Politics

Eleven Reasons Lawyers Get Sued HERE to learn why